ERGOTRONLX SIDE BY SIDE DUAL ARM, Polished Aluminum, stojan stolní pro 2LCD max 24"

PODĽA KATEGÓRIE: Monitory a projekčné zariadenia / Príslušenstvo / Stojany, držiaky, konzoly / Pre viac LCD
Status TOP produkt   
Kód: 120026  
Part No.: 45-245-026  
EAN Kód: 0698833012033  


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ERGOTRONLX SIDE BY SIDE DUAL ARM, Polished Aluminum, stojan stolní pro 2LCD max 24"

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ERGOTRONLX SIDE BY SIDE DUAL ARM, Polished Aluminum, stojan stolní pro 2LCD max 24"


Position LCD screens for maximum ergonomic comfort with unparalleled range of motion—promotes wellness in any work area

Free up your desktop to increase your workspace

13-inch (33 cm) height range meets the ergonomic needs of more than nine out of ten adults

Extends LCDs out up to 25" (64 cm) with an adjustment range of 18" (46 cm); push your displays out of the way when not in use

Experience productivity gains. Check out our Multi-Display Payback Calculator—determine the cost benefit associated with adding a second display

Open and view multiple applications and documents, eliminating the need to toggle between applications

Easily turn one or both screens from landscape mode to portrait mode—view entire pages without scrolling

Embedded with patented motion technology, these arms enable light-touch adjustments without any knobs or levers

Cable management feature routes cables under the arm, out of the way

Easy to use—simple installation and effortless operation

Part Number: 45-245-026
Description: LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm (polished aluminum)
If mounting a laptop, also order the LX Notebook Tray (50-193-200)
Improved LX Arm Features & Benefits
Polished aluminum construction offers greater durability and enhanced aesthetics
Snap-fit cap secures interface of arms to extensions for greater stability
* Weight Capacity: Individual monitor weight = 7–20 lbs (3.1–9.1 kg); maximum combined weight = 40 lbs (18.1 kg)
Mounting Standards: VESA FDMI MIS-D, 100/75, C (hole pattern: 100 x 100 mm & 75 x 75 mm)
Desk clamp attaches to edge up to 2.6" (66 mm) thick; grommet mount attaches through hole 5/16" to 2" (7–51 mm) wide and up to 3" (80 mm) thick
Shipping Dimensions: 19.25" x 17.75" x 6.25" (49 x 45 x 16 cm)
Shipping Weight: 17.25 lbs (7.85 kg)

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